Haaglanden Clinics has a unique partnership with the Sleep Centre of Haaglanden Medical Centre, giving you access to the best possible care so that you can be helped quickly, expertly and effectively. Common sleep disorders are treated at Haaglanden Clinics, while more complex sleep disorders are treated at the HMC Sleep Centre. We also work with a unique, novel approach, offering our clients a free preliminary sleep study, which is a reliable indication of sleep apnea.
Apnea Association Questionnaire
Click on this link to fill in a questionnaire that will provide a reliable indication of your risk of developing obstructive sleep apnea. You will receive the results immediately.
Did you know that sleep apnea can affect your fitness to drive? Read more about this on Apnea and driver’s license.
For more general information about sleep apnea, please refer to the website of the Apnea Association.