The purpose of a sleep study is to diagnose the cause of your sleeping problems and find the right physician for you. The first step for treatment in Haaglanden Clinics is for your GP to upload a letter of referral in Zorgdomein. After you have been referred to us, we will contact you as soon as possible to schedule a sleep study (Pre-Polygraphy).
As we have no wait list, we can schedule appointments at very short notice, depending on your own schedule. Of course, you can also contact us yourself to schedule an appointment.
The process
Sleep studies consist of several stages.
1. The initial consultation
First of all, you will be invited for a morning consultation. The OSAS consultant will take you through a questionnaire and explain the test (Pre-Polygraphy). This consultation will take about 30 minutes. You will be sent the questionnaire in advance, so please complete it at home and bring it with you to your appointment. After the consultation, you will be given the necessary equipment to carry out the test the very same evening.
2. Pre-test (Pre-Polygraphy)
The test can take place in the comfort of your own home. All you have to do is wear a wristband and pulse oximeter on your finger overnight. This device will measure your heart rate and blood oxygen level. With this sleep study, we can test for sleep apnea and other sleep disorders. Please return the equipment to the reception desk of Haaglanden Clinics between 08:00 and 09:00 the following morning. If you cannot do so yourself, you can have someone else return the equipment for you. This test is entirely free of charge: your deductible will not be affected in any way. For more information about Pre-Polygraphy, please click here.
3. Follow-up test (Polygraphy)
If the pre-test results in a negative indication for OSAS, we will notify you via email and refer you back to your GP. If, on the other hand, you test positive for OSAS, we will schedule a relatively simple follow-up sleep study for you, known as a Polygraphy, to examine your breathing, snoring, heart rate and blood oxygen levels. If you require a more extensive sleep study known as a polysomnography, which involves attaching electrodes to your head, face, torso and legs, we will refer you to the sleep clinic at HMC hospital. For more information about polygraphy, please click here.
4. Procedure
You will receive the results of the follow-up test at your next appointment with your ENT specialist, lung specialist or neurologist. The various treatment options will be explained to you and, together with your practitioner, you will consider which treatment option is most suitable for you. Your sleep study may be discussed in a Multidisciplinary Consultation, in which various specialists will discuss your case to come up with a tailor-made treatment protocol.
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