Eyebrow Lift
At Haaglanden Clinics, highly skilled and BIG-registered plastic surgeons with years of experience in plastic surgery work. If you experience a heavy and tired feeling around the eyes or feel that you appear older and more fatigued, an upper eyelid correction or eyebrow lift can be a good treatment to alleviate your complaints.

What are drooping eyebrows?
Over the course of life, the tissues in the face may start to sag. This can also happen with the eyebrows. Sometimes, the eyebrows sag to the extent that they rest on your upper eyelids or that you look at the eyebrow hairs. It may also be the case that you continuously lift the eyebrows with the muscles of the forehead, which can be very tiring and may lead to headaches. Drooping eyebrows often occur in combination with drooping upper eyelids.
An eyebrow lift
Drooping eyebrows can be corrected in various ways. The easiest way for you is to perform the eyebrow lift through the same incision as the upper eyelid correction. This provides a subtle lift of a few millimeters for both eyebrows. A similar effect can be achieved with Botox injections, but these need to be repeated approximately every 3 months to maintain the lifting effect. If it is necessary to raise the eyebrows further, an incision can be made above both eyebrows. The entire forehead can also be lifted through an incision in the hairline at the top of your forehead. These are more extensive procedures with additional scars. After an eyebrow lift, you will have a fresher look, and the mentioned complaints often decrease.
Initial consultation
Every gaze and every patient is different. The plastic surgeon, therefore, analyzes individually whether an upper eyelid correction will achieve the desired result. Drooping upper eyelids may also result from a low position of the eyebrows or may occur in combination with a low position of the eyebrows. The plastic surgeon may then recommend a (additional) correction of the eyebrows.
There may also be a dysfunction of the muscle of the upper eyelid, which may require tightening of the muscle. Crow’s feet do not disappear after the surgery and can only be addressed with the muscle relaxant Botox. Individual solutions are possible for all these issues. Your plastic surgeon will work with you to create a desired treatment plan.
Waiting time for Plastic Surgery:
The waiting times are expressed in calendar days and are reviewed every two weeks to reflect the current waiting periods.
Plastic Surgery:
- Intake consultation: 7-14 days
- Treatment: 7-14 days

View the Eyebrow Lift informational brochure
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