For Haaglanden Clinics, quality and client experience are of paramount importance.

Day in day out, our team is committed to providing quality: high-quality expertise and care for our clients and their referrers. Together, we do our utmost to guarantee high-quality care, making sure to provide you with expert, professional assistance.

We have been awarded the ZKN Quality Mark for Independent Clinics for our efforts, representing the quality of our care and care processes. The ZKN Quality Mark guarantees high-quality care. To find out more about the ZKN quality mark, visit


Quality and safety are of utmost importance at Haaglanden Clinics. The entire team strives daily to provide you with high-quality care. Your safety and well-being are always the top priorities.


Below, you will find answers to your questions about compensations and rates within Haaglanden Clinics. You can always contact Haaglanden Clinics with questions regarding compensations or rates.

Waiting Times

We aim to assist you promptly. We update our current waiting times every week. View our current waiting times here. You can schedule an online appointment at any time through this website.

Specialists at Haaglanden Clinics

An impression of Haaglanden Clinics GREEN


Don’t want to deal with long waiting times?
We provide quick assistance!