Insured care, this falls under your basic insurance;
Oral Surgery:
Oral surgical procedures at Haaglanden Clinics are covered under your basic insurance, with the exception of most implantology treatments.
This means that, in principle, you only need to pay your own risk. In 2024, the mandatory own risk is €385.
It’s possible that your own risk is higher because you chose a higher amount when taking out your insurance.
Haaglanden Clinics has entered into a care contract with all health insurers.
If you have foreign health insurance, we kindly request you to settle the invoice at the reception after the treatment. You can then claim reimbursement from your health insurance.
You can inquire with your health insurer about the coverage within your basic insurance.
Sleep Medicine:
The Pre-Polygraphy (pre-measurement) is a free examination for you, and Haaglanden Clinics covers the associated examination costs.
The subsequent follow-up sleep studies after the Pre-Polygraphy, the consultation with the sleep specialist, and any treatment trajectory are all fully covered by your health insurer.
This means that, in principle, you only need to pay your own risk. In 2023, the mandatory own risk is €385. Haaglanden Clinics sleep medicine has entered into a care contract with all health insurers (except Menzis, Ditzo, and ASR).
If you are insured with Menzis, Ditzo, or ASR, or if you have foreign health insurance, you will receive an invoice from Infomedics. For more information about payment through Infomedics, you will receive a brochure about the process from the OSAS consultant during the consultation.
Uninsured Care
Haaglanden Clinics also provides uninsured care. Uninsured care refers to treatments that are not covered under the basic insurance.
Oral Surgery:
- Implantology treatments: You are responsible for covering the full cost of this care. You may attempt to reclaim a portion of these costs through your supplementary insurance with your health insurer.
The treatment is scheduled after you have agreed to the cost estimate provided after the initial consultation with the oral surgeon. If there is an indication for requesting authorization from your health insurer, the oral surgeon will discuss this with you during the consultation and request it from your health insurer.
Plastic Surgery:
- Cosmetic (aesthetic) procedures in plastic surgery, such as eyelid correction, removal of skin imperfections, scars, or moles, earlobe correction, or combined aesthetic treatments.
The first intake is always free for you.
After the consultation preceding the treatment, you will receive a cost estimate for the estimated expenses.
Treatment Prices
Upper eyelid correction: €995.00
Upper eyelid incl. brow lift: €1295.00
Unilateral earlobe correction: €650.00
Bilateral earlobe correction: €950.00
Removal of skin imperfections:
First spot: €350.00
Subsequent spots: €150.00 each spot
1 zone €175,00
2 zones €250,00
3 zones €300,00

An impression of Haaglanden Clinics GREEN